
The Club XR is open to participants between the age of 15 and 25 years old.

Learning Objectives

The first goal of these workshops was to bring people together who share the same interests whether they were inexperienced or passionate about the XR sector. The second goal was to try out VR experiences from a catalog provided by Diversion Cinema and to debate which ones to choose for our exhibition. The third goal was to create a VR exhibition and to welcome the public.


We met in person twice with Paul Bouchard from Diversion Cinema to talk about VR, the possibilities, the limits and how to host and design a VR event. We installed the 360° VR experiences from Diversion Cinema’s catalog and tried them out on our 8 VR headsets. The club rated them and debated on which ones were more appropriate for our audiences and they could create an exhibition around them. They then organized from start to finish the exhibition at our MEDIALAB.

Location and Duration

The first meeting of the Club XR started on the 8th of November. It took 5 meetings to create the VRille exhibition until the 6th of December. Free of charge, the exhibition is open to the public and takes place every Wednesday from 5:30 pm to 7 pm from the 13th of December to the 31rst of January.

Keys Takeways

The VR experiences tested were very different from one another and enabled the members of the club and the public to test the limits and the different possibilities the device has to offer. It is a great project to meet like minded people and to give access to people who have never tried virtual reality before.

ClubXR_©Elodie Leray


08/11 to 31/01 2023

Number of participants


Reached target groups (students, academia, economy, civil society)

From 15 to 25 years old

Hosting partner


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