[RESIDENCY] Letta Shtohryn’s work had been selected for the second Realities In Transition residency which took place at iMAL – Art Center for digital cultures & technology, with the help and advice of the Belgian collective “CREW”. A perfect occasion to work on the multiple layers of realities involved in her project “Чули ? Чули”. Dark Euphoria asked her about her relationship to XR, her personal journey through it, her experience of the residency, and her favourite tools+inspirations.

Portrait: Letta Shtohryn
“Чули? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn
“Чули ? Чули / Chuly? Chuly” – Letta Shtohryn

Letta Shtohryn: I want to move away from defining XR solely as VR experiences, as it’s often used in contexts where it’s not necessary. Extended reality is also a form of immersion. Not all immersions are extended reality, and not all extended realities are immersive, but I believe we should broaden the tools we use for extended reality and combine them with those used in theatre, stagecraft, visual arts, and storytelling—even those that are quite analogue. That’s the direction I’d like to see it take, and I think it’s already beginning to expand in that way. There are initiatives like this residency, as well as numerous programmes, grants, and projects aimed at making XR something more than just a single type of technology—something broader and more inclusive of other disciplines. Perhaps it’s just wishful thinking, or maybe it’s the bubble I’m in, but I’d like to see it delay standardisation and evolve into something weirder.

Interview Letta Shtohryn of by Céline Delatte, Communications Officer for RIT’s partner Dark Euphoria as part of the iMAL artistic residency in Brussel.

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