Workshop Topic: topic or theme of the workshop. This sets the context for the entire description

The sessions are realized by Desmusea, an artistic and cultural mediation collective specializing in art and technology projects. They are uniquely specialized in working with museum collections and cultural institutions to articulate new narratives about them through digital projects. Her main goal is to connect museums and audiences in the interstices of virtuality and presence.

Participants: The target audience or participants who attended the workshop 

This specific workshop was oriented to school students from 13 years old, secondary education.

Learning Objectives: the primary learning goals of the workshop. What skills, and knowledge was presented?

With the guide of the art collective the students can create virtual scenes inside Mozilla Hubs.

Implementation: software/hardware or any specific equipment that was used during the workshop

After visiting the exhibition they could then walk through the venues of the art center looking for QR codes that takes them to five specific topics: Ecology, Identity, Art, Community and Body. Then they are asked to transform these virtual environments in Mozilla Hubs to make them reflect better the questions arised by the exhibition. The results can be visited here: 

Location and Duration: e.g., city, venue or name of the event. Duration of the event e.g., half-day, full-day, multiple days, overall time

The workshop was repeated four times with a total of four days (12/12/2023, 19/12/2023, 21/12/2023 and 11/01/2023) with a total of 65 students. Each session was of 3 hours and a half, from 10h to 13:30h.

Key Takeaways: Summarize the main points or key insights that participants obtained from the workshop. These are the most significant discoveries or lessons that were uncovered during the workshop

This workshop was a total success, the students could not only visited the exhibition and navigate through the different metaverses and reflect about the artistical vaule of them but also had a practical exercise on designing sustainable and conscius virtual scenes by themselves. 


12, 19 and 21/12/2022 and 11/01/2023

Number of participants


Reached target groups (students, academia, economy, civil society)

Teenages groups of secondary education

Hosting partner

Matadero Madrid